Proximity Effect Mercury retrograde
Posted by Daniel Roman on

Retrograde!?Mercury will begin retrograde/The Proximity Effect. on 8/23/23 at 4:25 pm Eastern time. Till 9/25/23.The same day the Sun enters Virgo at 5:01:39 AM In our modern understanding of what a retrograde is we now know that it's an illusion from the perspective of Earth. Many in the scientific world use this subject as a debunking tool, of this amazing art we call Astrology. I propose the term be changed to "Proximity Effect" Why? We know that an illusion cannot produce anything but its own mirage. I Contemplating this concept and what is really occurring is the planet is in...
- Tags: Astrology, Mercury, proximity Effect, Retrograde
Astrological Natal Interpretation Info
Posted by Daniel Roman on

Natal Chart Interpretation A person at birth is coming into the world with a mission surrounded by the parameters of fate and destiny. Each new beginning (person, place, or thing) is coded and is influenced by the position of the stars and planetary bodies. This arrangement I ask you to see it as a unique portrait painting imagined and inspired by the Life force some call Reason. These positions held by the celestial bodies when conscientiously interpreted reveal a path the soul has participated to traverse. This chart is a roadmap, the soul at the moment of birth forgets, from...
Origins of Oshun
Posted by Daniel Roman on

Iʼm starting this blog to address many questions regarding the Orisa Oshun, Over the last eighteen years I have researched this topic with little finding and lots of misguidance, My objective is to input the correct information that I have gathered through the years, A lot of my teachings have come to me from Yoruba worship temples and now from Ifa training. I promise not to reveal in depth information, If you have questions please feel free to write, Under the rites of Ifa which contain the origins of the folklore from African tradition, states that oshun is the daughter of Olofin...
The Vibration of Love Attraction Magic
Posted by Daniel Roman on
The Vibration of Love Attraction Magic Butterflies don’t hang around Caterpillars. In my contemplation of Relationships and talking with nature. I uncovered a beautiful mystery. If everything in the universe is “inclusion” this means we have to accept the polarity of all things, love is no different. To be Realistic. If we desire to attract a good wealthy being we too must vibrate at this same resonance, why because the law of Attraction is always at play or in function. Let's observe this vibration. why would a wealthy smart man want to downgrade to a lesser being, with the exception...
Learning Wisdom Blog Prodigiosa (Siempre Viva)
Posted by Daniel Roman on
- Tags: #Antibacterial, #herbsthatheal, #kalanchoe, #santeria, #SantoProducts, osain, Prodigiosa, Siempre Viva