Bath Cleansing Salts

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16 Herbs were used to create this blend as the foundation of the salts.

List of herbs: 

Spanish Names

Engish Names

1.Abre Camino, 2.Alamo, 3.Palo Brunco, 4.Rompe saraguey, 5.Palo vencedor, 6.Palo Vence batalla, 7.Palo Vence guerra, 8.Palo Siete Rayos, 9.Escoba Amarga, 10.Palo Seso Vegetal, 11.Piementa fragante, 12.Quita Maldicion, 13.Espanta Muerto, 14.Ceiba, 15.Yagruma, 16Canela,

1. Road Opener, 2. Ficus religious, 3. Malpighia, 4. Siam weed, 5. Satinwood, 6. variated Satin, 7. Chaste Tree, 8.Paradise Tree, 9. False Ragweed, 10.Akee Tree, 11.Bay Rum, 12.Gray Nickkirs, 13. False Daisy, 14.Kapok Tree, 15.Snakewood, 16.Cinnamon.